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Cloud-Based Development Model

The Eclipse Foundation Releases Results of the 2023 Cloud Developer Survey
This year’s survey reveals an increased enterprise reliance on open source technologies to accelerate the adoption of cloud native solutions

The Eclipse Foundation, one of the world’s largest open source foundations, along with the Eclipse Cloud DevTools Working Group, announced the availability of the 2023 Cloud Developer Survey Report. This year’s Cloud Developer Survey results are based on an online survey of 534 cloud developers and software professionals conducted from November 21, 2022, to January 13, 2023. The survey’s objective is to gain a better understanding of the cloud-based software development ecosystem by identifying the requirements, priorities, and challenges faced by organizations leveraging a cloud-based development model, including those based on open source technologies.

"Cloud-based software developer tools are experiencing significant momentum as developer teams around the world continue to shift work to cloud native architectures. Our research has shown the majority of these developers not only leverage open source technologies but are increasingly looking to solutions governed by an open source software foundation," said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. "This demonstrates that there is solid traction for open source cloud development tools. Moreover, in an increasingly crowded market, Eclipse Foundation projects like Eclipse Open VSX, Eclipse Theia, and Eclipse Che are making an enormous impact by providing the community-led open source technologies that developers need."

Survey participants represent a broad set of industries, organizations, and job functions. Some of the top conclusions drawn from the survey data include:

>> Open source is attractive to developers, with 74 percent saying they would like to see their companies invest more into OSS. Developers prefer open source because it allows them to 1) focus on developing features that matter to their organizations; 2) plug into their existing environments; and 3) customize their tools.

>> Cloud native applications are becoming increasingly mission-critical. Migration to the cloud continues, with 35 percent reporting their company’s most important applications are now cloud native. Only 13 percent of participants say their company has no cloud migration plans for important on-premise applications.

>> Developers are increasingly leaning towards open source technologies that are governed by an open source foundation. While developers are not necessarily driving the business decisions, 36 percent say they would prefer working with projects that are foundation-supported.

>> Overall, developers like the tools they use and spend significant time customizing them, but would consider switching to other cloud-based options under the right conditions. Motivators include: a performance boost, tight integration with cloud technologies, ease of setup/configuration, and a high level of security.

>> There is a disconnect between open source software consumption and participation. 56 percent of respondents use open source software, with only 38 percent being members of open source foundations and 31 percent contributing to open source projects.

>> Developers see opportunities for growth around AI/ML and edge. Developers are generally excited about experimenting with new technologies. Their use of AI/ML is increasing, with much of it happening at the edge.

In addition to these findings, the survey report provides detailed key takeaways and recommendations for cloud developers, employers, and other ecosystem participants. The 2023 Cloud Developer Survey Report is now available to all interested parties and can be downloaded for free here. (Eclipse Foundation: ra)

eingetragen: 11.09.23
Newsletterlauf: 26.10.23

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